About Robert
Robert Patrick
After winning a run-off election in 2020, Robert Patrick was elected as DeKalb County’s District 1 Commissioner and took office on January 1, 2021. Patrick is no stranger to public service; he brings extensive experience to the Dekalb County Board of Commissioners.
Several months after taking office, Commissioner Patrick was appointed by DeKalb County CEO, Michael Thurmond, as the first commissioner to serve on the Decide DeKalb Board of Directors. Also, after one year in office, his BOC colleagues elected him to serve as the Presiding Officer.
Prior to election as Commissioner of Dekalb District 1
Prior to his election, Commissioner Patrick served as a council member with the City of Doraville for eight years. In 2012, he won a special election to Doraville’s City Council representing District 1, where he was subsequently re-elected twice. During his time in office, Robert was selected by his colleagues to serve as Mayor Pro Tem for three consecutive years. He was instrumental in helping to make the former GM plant, now known as “Assembly Yards,” come to fruition, potentially bringing well over a billion dollars to the region. The Assembly development attracted Third Rail Studios which is currently open and filming, as well as the Serta Simmons Bedding relocation, a Fortune 400 company, that brought hundreds of new jobs to the region.
Robert also served as both the Vice-President and President of the DeKalb Municipal Association, took part in North End transportation studies, the Doraville Comprehensive Plan Update, the creation of the first Parks and Walkability Master Plan, and the first Buford Highway Livable Centers Initiative.
Leadership and experience
Professionally, Robert is a city planner and for 14 years he worked for the City of Norcross in the Community Development Department.
Robert has demonstrated his ability to lead and serve as a strategic and responsible steward in his community where growth and collaboration lead his priorities. Infrastructure investments, fostering strategic growth through economic investments, aiding in the fight to stop the spread of COVID-19 throughout the county, improving response times from county services, and strengthening relationships between the county and municipal leaders are his priorities as the representative of DeKalb County’s District 1.
Besides his Presiding Officer duties, he currently serves on two committees: Public Works and Infrastructure, and County Operations.
Robert holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Georgia. He and his wife Mary have been proud residents of DeKalb County for over a decade; together they share three wonderful kids, Robert Jr, Kate, and Sylvia.