Commissioners Robert Patrick and Steve Bradshaw Assist in Funding for Tucker Infrastructure Maintenance

Commissioners Robert Patrick and Steve Bradshaw contributed $50,000 each to the City of Tucker for maintenance and repair improvements for sidewalks, striping, signage, and curbs along Stone Mountain Industrial Park. These funds were augmented contributions to road repairs within the City of Tucker from City, County and Tucker CID budgets. Beginning Monday July 18th, engineering […]
Board of Commissioners Approve Water and Sewer Rate Increase

Come Aug. 1, DeKalb County residents’ water and sewer bills will be a little higher. The county commission voted Tuesday to approve the 6% rate hike, which officials say is necessary to help cover the cost of more than $2 billion in improvements to DeKalb’s historically neglected water and sewer infrastructure. The increase — which […]
Commissioner Robert Patrick Pitches Congressional Appropriations Projects

Infrastructure has not only been a major priority for Commissioner Patrick, but it is also a White House priority. As this year’s BOC Presiding Officer, he took the opportunity to meet with Georgia US Senators and federal agencies in D.C. during the NACo Legislative Conference to pitch DeKalb County projects for potential infrastructure and other […]
Commissioner Robert Patrick Welcomes U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to District 1

DECATUR, Ga.—U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is scheduled to make anappearance in District 1 on Friday, Aug. 6, to pitch the Safe Streets for All program. Secretary Buttigieg will tour the Buford Highway corridor, located in District 1 of DeKalbCounty at 1 p.m. He will be joined by U.S. Rep. Lucy McBath and local officials […]
Peachtree Creek Greenway and Commissioner Robert Patrick Welcome Congresswoman Lucy McBath

On July 8, 2021, US House Rep. Lucy McBath had a chance to experience first-hand, the progress of the first mile of the Peachtree Creek Greenway. Organized by the the advocacy group Peachtree Creek Greenway, Inc, the walking tour gave District 1 leaders the opportunity to pitch the importance of expanding the trail and how […]
DeKalb County District 1 Residents Sound Off During Commissioner Robert Patrick’s Stormwater Town Hall

DECATUR, Ga.—Commissioner Robert Patrick held a town hall on May 6 to discussstormwater concerns in District 1. With torrential rainstorms over the past few days,more than 50 residents participated to seek answers to many of their flooding, drainage,and road repair questions. The featured speaker was Rick Lemke, director of DeKalb’s Public Works Department,who explained the […]
Once in a Generation Opportunity

Almost 80 years ago, DeKalb County, Georgia proposed a million-dollar bond to build a new water plant in modern day Dunwoody. That investment was considered risky back in the day, but quickly increased in value to six million dollars and was credited with bringing over $75 million in industrial development to north DeKalb; a phenomenal […]
Commissioner Patrick Visits Snapfinger AWTF Water Plant Expansion

Last year, my team and I had the opportunity to tour several of DeKalb County’s water plants. During these tours, not only did we learn how the water systems operate in DeKalb County, but also learned of the various planned upgrades and improvements to increase capacity.
District 1 Submits HUD Proposal for McElroy Sidewalk Feasibility Study

As a Dekalb County maintained road, Commissioner Patrick has requested a feasibility study to install a more coordinated sidewalk network on McElroy Road. This highly residential road is utilized by pedestrians for mobility to gain access to and from the Buford Highway commercial district, transit, local jobs, as well as access to local recreation and […]