Home Events Women's History Month Nomination Women’s History Month Trailblazer Award Nomination


Feb 28 2023 - Mar 07 2023


8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Women’s History Month Trailblazer Award Nomination

March is Women’s History Month, a time when we celebrate and acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions made by women all over the world. In DeKalb County’s District 1, we are committed to highlighting and honoring the women who have made remarkable progress in their communities.

I am excited to announce the continuation of my Women’s History Month Trailblazer Award, which recognizes outstanding women who have demonstrated exemplary leadership and community service. If you know a remarkable woman who resides or works in District 1, please consider nominating her for this award. You can access the nomination form by visiting my website, commissionerrobertpatrick.com, or my Facebook page, Commissioner Patrick D1.