Resident Services
If you are a resident and are in need of assistance with DeKalb County Government, feel free to submit your issue through our Constituent Help Desk Portal. Also, check out some our common resident needs below.
Constituent Help Desk Portal
Our District 1 Constituent Help Desk Portal allows residents to submit, track progress, and document issues they may be experiencing. Due to the large volumes of emails our office receives, this portal allows our staff to focus specifically on constituent concerns and provide a quicker response.

Common Resident Services

If you are experiencing water and/or sewer bill issues, we can assist in helping you to navigate the process to a resolution.

Heavy rainfalls, clogged sewer drains, and other water events can cause hazardous and dangerous conditions that can lead to major problems if not quickly addressed. If you are aware of any storm water problems in District 1, we would like to know about it.

We know that missed yard, bulk, and weekly trash service can pose serious public health problems, as well as being an eye sore in neighborhoods. If you are experiencing missed sanitation services, please notify us immediately.

General Government Service
Navigating DeKalb County’s departments can be daunting. If you need general government assistance or don’t know where to begin, let us know and we will be happy to guide you through it.