Decatur, GA-On Thursday, May 18, Commissioner Robert Patrick, along with special guest Doraville Mayor Joseph Giereman, will host a community meeting to obtain residents’ input on a proposed sidewalk project on McElroy Road. This residential road is highly utilized by pedestrians to gain access to and from the Buford Highway commercial district for goods and services, local jobs, transit, and recreation.
The Community Meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. and will be held at the North Atlanta Bible Chapel at 3832 McElroy Road.
As part of Commissioner Patrick’s ongoing infrastructure efforts, the purpose of the McElroy Road project is to provide a sidewalk concept plan that enhances the functionality of the corridor by improving pedestrian accessibility. Essentially, the project will study existing conditions to recommend and install a more coordinated sidewalk network.
McElroy Road is classified as a connector road located within unincorporated DeKalb County in the Doraville area. Connector roadways are those that connect local streets with arterial street systems and provide traffic service to less intense developments like residential, schools, churches, parks, and low intensity commercial developments.

Due to the lack of sidewalks and pedestrian networks, residents who utilize the road for mobility have created “man-made” walking paths to avoid walking in the street which create dangerous pedestrian conditions for both adults and children. As such, McElroy Road is undivided, lacks a comprehensive network, and safe crossing opportunities in certain areas. Unfortunately, a high percentage of pedestrian fatalities in Georgia occur on similar roads.
Before proceeding with the proposed feasibility study, Commissioner Patrick would like to get feedback from the local community. “This is their neighborhood and residents should have a say in major projects such as this”, he stated.
Breedlove Land Planning, Inc., the consulting firm that will be conducting the study, will present participants with an overview of the proposed sidewalk project, as well as present visual concept plans. Participants will be able to provide their feedback and engage in a question and answer session. After the presentation, Commissioner Patrick will open the floor for a general listening session where participants will be able to discuss any concerns or issues that are occurring around the McElroy Rd neighborhood.