For many years, residents living and shopping along the busy Pleasantdale Road corridor have voiced their concerns over the lack of safety, visibility, and the potentially dangerous situations the current road creates for pedestrians, drivers, and other users. During a recent Pleasantdale Park community meeting held by Commissioner Robert Patrick, some residents expressed difficulties in crossing the street, gaining quick access to bus stops, and walking almost a mile from their apartment complexes to get to the nearest crosswalk.

Earlier this year, US Representative Lucy McBath (D-GA-06) announced a $600,000 Community Project Funding allocation for pedestrian improvements along Pleasantdale Road, and on Thursday, August 4th she made a stop in District 1 to tour the area. Along with Commissioner Patrick, she was joined by DeKalb’s Engineering Supervisor, David Pelton to discuss potential road design solutions.
Since taking office in 2021, Commissioner Patrick has been a champion of the Pleasantdale area and is currently working with the County’s Department of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs on master planning Pleasantdale Park. “The County and I are very grateful to Rep. Lucy McBath and for taking time to spend with us in District 1,” stated Patrick. “Her funding will help to create a safer and more user-friendly corridor that will not only enhance the area, but allow residents to have a better mobility experience.